The following production machinery, equipment, and facilities ensure the complete manufacturing of iron castings
Induction melting furnace, Medium Frequency power supply 750 KW with melting crucibles of 500 Kgs, 1000 Kgs, and 2000 Kgs.
Induction holding furnace 450 KW power supply with crucibles of 5000 Kgs and 1500 Kgs.
Intensive batch mixer 150 kg capacity for core sand.
Continuous mixer 10 MT per mixed resin sand per hour for a two-part resin system with compaction table for mold production.
Shot blast machine – table type 48”.
of experience with best results
0+ Years
Foundry working area of 1600 square meters in three bays with material handling facilities
Grinding and fettling facility with power operated hand tools
CAD Software IRONCAD for 3D modeling and drafting
Primer & Rust preventive coatings by spray & dipping
Outsourced facilities for pattern making, heat treatment and NDT inspection including Ultrasonic and Radiography
Molten metal handling ladles of capacities from 80 Kgs to 5 tons for handling hot metal
Standby generators of capacity 1010, 250 and 63 KVA
Inspection instruments and gauges for precise measurement up to one meter
Induction melting furnace
Medium Frequency power supply 750 KW with melting crucibles of 500 Kgs, 1000 Kgs, and 2000 Kgs
Continuous mixer
10 MT mixed resin sand per hour for two part resin system with compaction table for mold production
Continuous mixer
6MT mixed sand per hour for core production
Core shooter for volume production of cores
Intensive batch mixer 150 kg capacity for core sand
Shot blast machine
Spinner Hanger type 750 Kgs Hook Capacity
Shot blast machine
Table type 48” diameter table
Digital crane weigher
10 MT capacity for precise weighment of molten metal during filling and pouring with wireless data transfer facility for recording data
EOT cranes
capacity 12.5 MT, 10 MT, 5Mt and 2MT for handling hot metal and large moulds
Process control instrumentation
including microprocessor based thermal analysis instruments and immersion pyrometers for liquid metal temperature measurement.
metallurgical process control software from Novacast for precise assessment of melt condition and control of melt parameters prior to pouring with prediction of tensile, hardness and cell counts
Clemex Image analyser Vision PE
For microstructure image capture and quantification of alloy phases with report generation including microstructure photos.
Nikon microscope
With camera – Epiphot 200 – capable of sample evaluation by bright field (BF), darkfield (DF), polarised light (Pol) and differential interference contrast (DIC).
Nikon stereo zoom
Microscope – for study of casting defects and evaluation of sand grains and surface finish of moulds and cores.
Struers automatic polisher
for preparation of microstructure specimens for optical microscopy and image analysis
Sand laboratory for testing of molding sands
bonded and unbonded
Mechanical testing of physical properties
40 ton UTM for tensile testing and hardness tester 3000 Kgs load with 10 mm dia indentation ball and portable hardness tester for hardness measurement of large castings
Human resources
Work force of 85 people with 25 qualified managerial staff overseeing Production, Process Control, Inspection and Testing